Torrisi: “A significant increase in flights to satisfy the expectations and needs of passengers” SAC announces that there will be 26,312 aircraft movements expected for winter of 2023/2024, compared to 21,674 thousand last season, numbers that mark a significant increase of 20% in flights and activity at Catania airport. The data announced by the company that manages the airports of Catania and Comiso, heralds a general strengthening of Sicilian infrastructure for the 2023/2024 winter season. The strengthening of SAC’s offer is due to four factors: the increase in the number of operations of the Ryanair company by almost 25% compared to last winter (10,574 movements against 8,438), the increase in flights of the Hungarian carrier Wizz Air (4,526 movements against 3,445, +31%), and of the two Italian companies ITA Airways (4,144 movements against 3,662, +13%), and Aeroitalia. Aeroitalia itself, which began its activity at the end of last season with…
150% of regional contributions for film productions must be reinvested in Sicily According to the latest report by Symbola Foundation and Unioncamere, published in 2023, the cultural and creative supply chain in Italy has generated an added value of 95.5 billion euros (+6.8% compared to the previous year). Overall, for every euro of added value produced by cultural and creative activities, another 1.8 are activated in different economic sectors, such as tourism, transport and Made in Italy, for a value of 176.4 billion euros. Sicily is among the regions that have benefited most from this growth, thanks also to the interest generated by successful films and TV series which have produced a boom in searches and bookings by national and, above all, international tourists. “In recent years, our land has been the setting for several TV series and film productions”, explains Dhebora Mirabelli, president of Confapi Sicilia. “In the past,…
Sicily is rich in culture, landscapes and centuries of history and transformations. The Arab conquest marked a fundamental stage for the region, for this reason “Arab Mediterranean – Sapiens, one planet” on Saturday 2 December at 9.45pm on Rai 3 dedicated the episode to the island. The Italian geologist, scientific communicator and essayist Mario Tozzi recounted the splendor of the Arab-Norman culture in Palermo, on the trail of what today is a hidden world, made above all of suggestions of history, architecture and geology. The program followed the course of the water and the history of the rocks, telling with particular attention the great engineering skills that the Arabs demonstrated in transforming an uncultivated plain like that of Palermo into the Conca d’Oro, famous throughout the world for its citrus groves. Are the peoples of the Mediterranean the result of the mixing of people over the centuries? Has coexistence between…
Sicily, with its territories, its coasts, its favorable climate, its inhabitants and its food products, is increasingly appreciated overseas thanks to TV series and films. These works manage to immerse fans of the show so much that they become curious about the area in which the action takes place, leaving amazement and wonder. An example from last year is “The White Lotus”, an American series in which the protagonists of the second season stay in a hotel in the city of Taormina and take the opportunity to tour the island. The series offers evocative landscapes, and has enchanted viewers by increasing departures to the city of Taormina, with tourists often choosing long stays, staying several days to visit the cities of Palermo and Catania.Also recently released is the TV series “I Leoni di Sicilia”, based on the novel by the author Stefania Auci, which intertwines the path of the commercial…
2023 is the year of the rebirth of tourism in Sicily. This is the data that emerges from the TeC Palermo 2023 conference, dedicated to Tourism and Homes in the Mediterranean, now in its second edition.The event saw, among many others, the presence of the FIAIP Palermo president Marco Burrascano, of the FIAIP national vice president with responsibility for the tourism sector Leonardo Piccoli, of the vice mayor of Palermo with responsibility for the budget Maria Carolina Varchi, of the Tourism councilor of the Sicilian Region Elvira Amata, the mayors of Bagheria, Filippo Tripoli, and of Terrasini, Giosuè Maniaci, the president of the Palermo-Enna Chamber of Commerce Alessandro Albanese, the president of Gesap – Palermo International Airport Salvatore Burrafato and the market team manager – Booking. com Roberta Di Maria.TeC Palermo 2023 enhances and promotes hotel and non-hotel tourism in the Mediterranean area, highlighting how Sicily is the largest and…
Our travel magazine was given to tour operators visiting Sicily for the VII Extra-hotel Tourism Exchange of Confesercenti Sicily. Amazing Sicily was invited to the VII BTE – Extra-hotel Tourism Exchange of Confesercenti Sicily, which took place for the first time in Palermo, at the Cruise Terminal of the Port.The BTE, which was held from 10 to 12 November, saw a packed program of B2B meetings between over 150 entrepreneurs and 20 tour operators selected across Europe. This year’s buyers came from France, Spain, Poland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Croatia, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey and Portugal. The tour operators landed in Sicily a few days earlier to be able to visit various locations in the region, to see and experience first-hand the tourist attraction factors and the possible experiences to offer to their customers. They went to discover the territory of Santo Stefano di Camastra, also taking part in a ceramic…
Sicily is a very popular destination in all seasons. The company Emma Villas S.p.A., leader in Italy in the vacation rental sector in the field of short-term rentals of villas and luxury homes with private swimming pools, has examined the requests of national and international tourists, identifying Sicily as one of the ideal destinations for a vacation. Sicily is at the top of the choices of international tourists, mainly coming from the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, who represent around 90% of those who have booked a villa in the region. According to company data, Sicily is also one of the favorite destinations for Italians for this type of stay. The data from the June-September report records more than 400 bookings with over 500 weeks booked overall, with an increase of 33.4% compared to 2022. In the month of September alone there was an increase of 47.7% compared…
The number of Italian travelers who have made at least one trip with the main motivation linked to food and wine is growing: 58% in 2023, a value 37 percentage points higher than in 2016. The data emerging from the sixth edition of the “Tourism Report Italian food and wine”, curated by Roberta Garibaldi for the Italian Food and Wine Tourism Association, indicate that 35% of Italians plan a trip to discover Sicilian flavours. Despite the crisis, around 1 in 3 declare they have a budget exceeding 2022 to dedicate to the purchase of food and wine offerings. The report also shows that 63% want to discover new destinations and diversify the experience, seeking authentic proposals and experimenting with ever-changing activities in contact with nature. The island with a Mediterranean climate with its historic cities, local flavors, visits to wineries, farms, restaurants and natural attractions, manages to once again enchant…
Positive data for Sicilian tourism. The 2023 data show a percentage increase compared to the values that emerged the previous year. The numbers provided by the Regional Councilor for Tourism for the period January-September 2023 reveal 13,384,851 presences, with a positive variation of 5.8% compared to last year, in which there were, again for the period January-September, 12,649,477 attendances. Sicily continues to be a very popular destination for tourists, mainly French, German and in recent years also Americans, who have placed third in the regional ranking of foreigners, the result of an enormous desire among foreigners to explore and experience , even if for a short stay, this land with a Mediterranean climate. A land that offers scenic and culinary riches and with a population that knows how to be very inclusive and welcoming, to be visited not only in summer. The encouraging data highlights that, considering the increase in…
Palermo airport thus records a peak of 13% compared to last year’s values, with greater traffic in the Sicilian art cities. Palermo and Catania achieved excellent results and managed to emerge as destinations among the 30 most popular cities for the November 1st long weekend in the report. The analysis takes into consideration the destinations popular with Italians with prices, number of people and number of nights up to the thirtieth position. The budget taken into consideration varies from 97 euros for Catania, the lowest recorded in the location examined, up to 339 euros for Paris. The report shows that Italians tend to prefer national destinations, out of a total of 30 destinations analysed, 24 are related to Italy, the result of the fact that the bridge is short but at the same time appears to be an opportunity to escape from the daily routine and take a day…