
In the period from 30 March to 2 April an increase in presences in Sicily of around +1.5% is expected compared to last year. And the driving force is above all foreign presences, growing by +2.3% over 2023.
The data emerges from a survey conducted by the Florence Tourist Studies Center for Assoturismo Confesercenti, on a sample of 1,308 Italian hospitality businesses.
59% of tourist presences in Sicily will be foreigners, a percentage that has significantly increased (+2.3%) compared to recent years. Internal travel, on the other hand, is slightly down (-0.8%), due to the reduction in purchasing power, which affects budgets and consumption choices.
Italian demand mainly affects coastal, spa and ‘other interest’ locations. Foreign tourists, on the other hand, prefer cities/art centers or countryside/hill, lake and mountain locations. The nationalities of origin are mainly European: Germans more inclined to a holiday in contact with nature, the French who prefer cities of art and the sea and the Spanish, decidedly interested in cities of art and Easter rites.
“The picture is positive – states Vittorio Messina, President of Confesercenti Sicilia and Assoturismo Confesercenti – Those who have chosen Sicily for the Easter holidays are above all foreigners who, in contrast to the national figure, represent the highest share of presences in the accommodation facilities on the island in the next few days, compensating for the signs of tiredness coming from national demand. A decline, the latter, to be monitored carefully, given the fundamental role that tourism plays for Sicily”.


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